Monday, September 03, 2007

Call for Nominations for 2008/09 Committee

The current RI Rotaract Committee is seeking recommendations for nominees for the 2008/09 RI Rotaract Committee to forward to RI President Elect D.K. Lee for his consideration.

Please ask your DRRs and MDIO Chairmen to recommend any outstanding, active Rotaractors that have the qualities to be an active member of this team. Please send their curriculums to the current RI Rotaract committee as soon as possible (before the end of this week!).

Posted by Simone on behalf of Alvaro Ortega


Lion's Heart said...

Now the nomination right has delegated to RI Rotaract Committe?

PDRR Vincent
District 3450

Simone Collins said...

No - it is still possible to have a senior Rotarian send in a nomination, but this year the RI Rotaract Committee took it upon itself to seek nominations as well to try to ensure nominations were received from all over the world, to help make the spread of members of the committee more even (usually there is an over-abundance of members from the USA!).

You may not be aware, but quite a large number of the members of the RI Rotaract Committee are just selected over and over, I guess because the RI President doesn't normally receive many nominations to choose from!

This year there are 2 Rotaractors serving their 2nd (or 3rd!) term on the committee; last year there were only 2 of us who weren't just reappointed yet again, though one of those was reappointed again this year... This way more Rotaractors will have the opportunity to be considered for selection. :)