Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What does the Committee do?

The official word on what the committee is meant to do, as released by RI, is:

This committee, mandated by the RI BYLAWS, shall provide guidance and advice to the Board on all aspects of the Rotaract program. It will review issues, projects and suggestions related to Rotaract. Under the direction of the President, it shall develop program content for and plan the Rotaract preconvention meeting in connection with the Salt Lake City Convention and promote attendance for this meeting.

What does that actually mean?

The main functions of the committee appear to be:

  • Review the Standard Rotaract Constitution and the Rotaract program in general and suggest changes to it to the RI Board of Directors
  • Select the winners of the Outstanding Projects
  • Set some of the program of and recommend speakers / leaders for the Rotaract Preconvention (though in previous years, RI appears to have overruled a lot of the suggestions!)

If we discover more functions of the RI Rotaract Committee over the course of the next year, we will let you know!

The 2006/07 RI Rotaract Committee Contacts

June C. WebberSouth
Vice Chairperson
Margarita Gascón de
Marcos Raúl
Caroline OrdNew
Sarah Ensa
Donald H.
Ernesto (Tom) C.
Terry N.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

About this Blog

One of the most common criticisms over the years has been that no one knows who is on the RI Rotaract Committee, as they never make any effort to communicate with the rest of us. In recent years, we have had members of the RI Rotaract Committee on RotaractNET, but any communication with them has been a very one way street - they have requested information, but given none in return.

That is about to change.

We are Simone Collins (District 9470 Western Australia) and Marcos Carot (District 4960, Argentina & Uruguay), two past DRRs who are serving on the RI Rotaract Committee for the first time in 2006/07 (the other Rotaractors on the RI Rotaract Committee this year are each serving a 2nd term). Many of you will know us as the two main moderators of RotaractNET, Rotaractors who are dedicated to promoting strong communication among Rotaractors worldwide.

For the first time ever, we plan to provide you with as much information about the RI Rotaract Committee as possible - who is on it, what it does, and more importantly, ensure you have a vehicle to provide feedback to us to pass on to the RI Rotaract Committee. And in the true tradition of RotaractNET, we will make this information available in multiple languages, primarily English and Spanish (being our native languages), though if anyone would like to help translate this information into other languages too, please let us know!!

All the best for 2006/07!